Affiliate Partnership

Individuals are carefully selected.

Oji Finance offers our students the opportunity to earn money through our affiliate program. Individuals are carefully selected based on our preferred qualifications.

To be considered for this program you must do 3 things:

  • First, you must add yourself to our email list. You may do so by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page. 
  • Secondly, you have to complete at least 2 courses (you can receive discounts by adding yourself to our mailing list and by following our Instagram @ojifinance)
  • Lastly, once you are added to the email list, followed our social media, and complete the required number of courses, you will need to send an email to [email protected] answering the following questions: 

1. Why would you like to be an Oji Finance affiliate partner? 

2. What makes you a good fit? 

3. How would an affiliation with Oji Finance appeal to your friends, family, and social media audience?

Don't forget to link all of your social media accounts in the email! We'd like to check you out and follow back. 

Although we carefully select our affiliate partners we encourage you to apply. You are not required to have an extremely huge following. We look forward to receiving your submission! Don't hinder yourself from such a lucrative opportunity!

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